

Welcome to Cursed Collection! I’m a passionate metal dork from India, and I’m excited to share my metal discoveries on this blog. I’m a huge listener of doom metal, and I can’t get enough of it. However, my love for metal has no boundaries as I keep exploring all other metal sub-genres, while avoiding some cringe bands.

To be very honest, this ain’t a fancy or scholarly thing. It’s just a casual space where I write my thoughts, experiences, and anything that excites my metal-loving ass. The main purpose of this blog is to improve my writing skills while keeping things spicy as a side-hobby to fill up those lazy weekends.

Oh, and just a heads-up: My English suck as it isn’t my first language, so it might not be perfect.

Horns up, metalheads 🤘

(built with jekyll - theme inspired by riggraz/no-style-please)